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I love what I do...

Hi.  I'm Chavi, a graphic designer and artist. 

Paper n Pixels was born from my own need to keep on top of my every-growing quantity of photos that just kept growing and growing.  I came to the realization that if I did not start to organize and collate them into photobooks, they would continue to sit on my phone for years, if not decades.  And my family would be missing out on enjoying the best moments of our lives.

Starting to curate your photo album, despite the best of intentions, is overwhelming to say the least.  The idea of sorting through hundreds of photos to find specific photos for your album is daunting, time consuming and is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

We are here to help you.

Our goal is to create a stress-free and hassle-free experience.  We work closely with you to design the kind of album you've always dreamed of.

Don't wait.  Get in touch with us now and cross that off your to-do list. 


You WILL thank us.

No stress.  No hassle.  No fuss.  Pure Joy.

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