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photo selection


I've started so many times only to

give up in despair.....

photo selection

Here are some of the most common statements we hear from our clients:


  • "I have too many photos, how can I possibly choose between them?"

  • "My photos are so disorganized."

  • "I tried to start, but I just gave up."

  • "I wish I had the time to select the ones I need."

  • "I'm so overwhelmed, I don't even know where to start."


So many of the people we speak to about what we do are so excited to get started on a photobook project that they've put off for years and they're especially excited about having us take the pressure off them and do all the work.

Problem is, it's often weeks - if not months - before we are able to start on their photobooks. Why?

Because time is at a premium. Life. Family. Kids. Commitments. Work. 

Even though they know that we are freeing them up from collating and designing the book, they still have the enormous job of selecting and sharing their photos with us - and that has almost everyone stuck in quicksand.

That's the dilemma and we solved it by offering professional photo selection.

We recognize that choosing photos is a daunting task.  When only 120 - 150 photos are needed for an average size book, having to choose from hundreds or thousands of photos is enough to make anyone go cross-eyed.

We will do that for you. Send us your photos and we go through them, selecting the ideal shots. The advantage is that we look through them objectively.  It's hard to choose between all the photos you love.  We get it.  We will choose the best ones based on lighting and quality and what will work best for your book. 

You can simply share your photos with us and breathe easy.

We will do the rest.

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