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how we do it 

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I was overwhelmed by the thought of doing this on my own, but you made it so simple!

how we do it

We have an easy 4-step process to get your photobook into your hands for years of enjoyment.


share your photos with us

Whether you use Google or Apple photos, have your photos stored on your computer or in the cloud, we can work with them. Alternatively, we can send you a shared folder where you can upload your photos.  Simply share them with us and we'll do the rest.


let us know your style preferences

We have a short questionnaire for you to fill out. It's fun and simple and will let us know how to best design your photobook.


we'll send you some sample pages

After we've received all your photos and completed questionnaire, we will put together a few pages for you to approve.


revisions and final approval

After you've approved the sample pages, we will continue to design your photobook. When it's completed, we will send it to you for your approval and revisions, if required. Then we go to print!


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thank you for answering all my questions

frequently asked questions (F.A.Q.)

What if I don't have time to select my photos?

That's why we have a professional photo selection service. Check it out here.

What if some of my photos are too dark?

We include basic photo-touchup for your photobooks. We will notify if there are any pictures that can't be edited.

Can I use photos from Facebook or social media?

It is recommended to use photos of a higher resolution than typically available when photos are downloaded from social media. Whenever possible, try not to include these. If there's something that you must have, we can include it, but it may be smaller than expected on paper because of the lower resolution.

How much text can I add?

Short snippets here and there are totally fine. Letters and lots of text, like the legacy recipebook are priced differently. Please be in touch so we can give you a quote.

How many revisions can I make?

We include up to 3 revisions. If you require more revisions we charge are reduced hourly rate of 150nis/hour.

After I give my final approval, how long will it be until I receive my album?

It takes two weeks for the proofing and production of the album. Then it's up to the postal services. Feel free to be in touch with us regarding expedited design and delivery.

Can I make any changes after I give my final approval?

There is a very small window available after your final approval. Figure anything more than an hour, and we have already sent the album to print.

Do you save the designs in case I want additional copies at a later date?


I have a gift card, is there an expiry date?

Gift cards are good for one year from date of purchase.

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